вторник, 12 августа 2014 г.

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Öffentliche München Pro


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Pro Version ohne Werbung (bitte zum testen die Version mit Werbung ausprobieren)

Die App bietet die Möglichkeit die Live Abfahrtzeiten der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel in München (MVG, MVV) abzufragen.

Zusätzlich besteht die Möglichkeit die aktuellen Abfahrtszeiten der Deutschen Bahn (incl. S-Bahn München) anzuzeigen.

Über die Favoritenfunktion können die Haltestellen schnell ausgewählt werden und auch direkt als Shortcut auf den Homescreen gelegt werden.

Störungsmeldungen der MVG und der S-Bahn München werden in einem eigenen Bereich geliefert.

Störungsmeldungen werden als Notification angezeigt auch wenn die App gerade nicht läuft.

Die Funktion überprüft regelmäßig, ob Störungen vorliegen und warnt den Anwender. Die Funktion kann über den Einstellungsdialog aktiviert werden. Die Frequenz und was überprüft werden soll kann hier ebenfalls eingestellt werden.

Auch die Funktion kann natürlich nur so gut funktionieren wie die MVG und die S-Bahn die Informationen zur Verfügung stellt, gerade bei der S-Bahn vergessen die Guten leider sehr oft eine Störung zu melden bzw. eine Störungsmeldung zurück zu nehmen.

Feedback und Verbesserungen meldet bitte an Stephans.apps@gmail.com

Die ideale App als täglicher Begleiter. Nie wieder lange auf den Bus oder die Bahn warten.

Die Daten der App können natürlich nur so korrekt sein wie sie von der MVG bzw. der Bahn auf ihren Webseiten veröffentlicht werden. Insbesondere bei der MVG ist die Anzeige aber sehr genau.

Bugs und Wünsche bitte an Stephans.apps@gmail.com senden.

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After learning the suspicious timing and Weinstein 's statement to the President illuminates an important character in in the film, which went the detailed process that the killing of bin Laden, a group of former intelligence officers and Special Operations members of? the search with the impact of the increasing level of information leaks immediately consent of their commercial? Bump in the Road run. We werewell and Weinstein both the film is the film is political in any way distorted or cast should favor Obama was domination? National Geographic also claimed SEAL Team Six? was in any way? Propaganda? and that the timing of the program was easy to use, accept its exclusive rights and autumn programming download Öffentliche München Pro 3.9.2 apk free . We were very careful not to jeopardize our national security, he said. Promote when we heard inclined slanted and conveniently come just before the election, making him the president look strong on foreign policy and national security, we knew we had to do something told Taylor. The Obama administration has exploited 'm very Laden? and all the leaked information has hampered operations and put lives at risk.

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Mit Harnwerte Pro können Sie sich schnell und einfach über die Werte eines Harnteststreifens sowie über diverse Differential Diagnosen, Falsch-Positive Ergebnisse, Falsch-Negative Ergebnisse, Patienteninformation über die korrekte Anwendung sowie über pathologische Urinfarbe und Uringeruch informieren.

Harnwerte Pro gibt sowohl Medizinern als auch Nichtmedizinern einen allgemein verständlichen, schnell navigierbaren und übersichtlich aufgebauten Überblick über die wichtigsten Routinelaborparameter und mögliche Ursachen über deren Erhöhung. Die Laborwerte sind alphabetisch angeordnet und durch die Menüführung rasch auffindbar.

Zu jedem Laborwert ist eine Kurzinformation rasch abfragbar. Die einzelnen Kurzinformationen sind allgemein verständlich formuliert und geben einen Überblick über die Indikation, Funktion und Aufgabe des jeweiligen Laborwertes.

Zu jedem Laborwert werden mögliche Ursachen über deren Erhöhung sowie über Aufbau und Funktion des entsprechenden Testfeldes angeben.

Harntest Pro gibt dem Anwender einen Übersicht über die wichtigsten Routinelaborparameter inklusive Erythrozyten , Leukozyten, Protein, pH Wert, spezifische Dichte, Nitrit, Bilirubin, Urobilinogen, Zylinder, Urinsediment, Glukose, Keton sowie Differentialdiagnosen zu Urinfarbe und Uringeruch.

Das Programm ermöglicht neben dem klassischen Scrollen eine Schnellnavigation zwischen Laborname, Abkürzung des Laborwertes, Normwert, differentialdiagnostischer Interpretation von Erhöhung des Wertes (vor allem für Mediziner, Medizinstudenten, interessierte Laien). Eine zusätzliche Suchleiste ermöglicht die gezielte Suche nach dem gewünschten Laborwert.

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Lindsay Lohan praised by RiversLindsay tries her career back on track after several brushes with the law and stops in rehab and Joan she hopes to succeed download Harnwerte Pro 1.0 free android app .Lindsay Lohan is one of the most talented people of their age, says Joan Rivers. You see what came out of Lindsay. Mother and father are crazy It '' sa shame. Them because now her skin looks in real life just as bad for me is '' sa drinker '' s skin Druggy skin But she '' s talented. She '' s like Marilyn Monroe, said Joan Heat Magazine. Out of all this group[ Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and Nicole Richie] was they hang out with, it was one of the most gifted. .

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Movie review: Good Cops on mean streets in ' End of Watch 'For David Ayer, who has long since given the minefield of police work his craft, this blood-soaked and unexpectedly moving film is his best cut yet on what life the is like on this thin blue line. Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pe a star as a partner to fight crime on the streets of South Central Los Angeles. Your Beat is penetrated poverty and gang infested Russian Words 1.0 apk free download . Drug running, turf wars and deadly grudge, until the end of until the end their bad part. It's all with a gritty hand - intensity that you always on edge and insecure, waiting to be captured on the next shoe. Ayer was best yet for his searing script for 2001 's Training Day, a story of cops in LA An established writer, his previous trips have been known in the direction of Harsh Times and Street Kings less qualified, their stories cop more of the same. End of Watch is different and unique street worthy.

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Speed camera radar (PRO)


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This application does not contains any advertisements!

This application is used to detect real hazards on the road, such as speed cameras (mobile ambush, static speed cameras, red light cameras), speed bumps, bad roads and etc.

The application plays the sound and shows hazard on the map and distance to this hazard.

If you are connected to the internet you will be able to monitor the traffic jams.

There is a feature update the database of the hazards.

The application may run in the background (even when the screen is off), just enable option "Use speech when hazard detected".

To start monitoring hazards just press "On" button in the left bottom screen corner.

POI databases are exists for follow countries:







Czech Republic























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Ephron and her sister spoke to the times when the play opened at the Geffen. is not really about clothes or fashion download Speed camera radar (PRO) 1.26 apk . It's about the lives of women, said Nora. In 2008,hat a shame, it was so great! Loved movies and books. She will be greatly missed. RIP Nora.

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LA Weekly reports that Prince had his prot g, Andy Allo, open the show with people Pleaser, the first single from her upcoming album, superconductor, while he played guitar on the back download Image activation key 1.0.0 free android app .

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Mit der dritten App aus der TOGGOLINO-Reihe macht Ihrem Kind Schlafengehen so richtig Spaß!

Es warten fünf tolle und liebevoll animierte Gute-Nacht-Geschichten mit Toggolino und seinen Freunden auf die Kleinen. Im Mittelpunkt der App steht das Thema Schlafengehen, denn auch Toggolino und seine Freunde sind nach den vielen Abenteuern müde und warten darauf von Ihrem Kind ins Bett gebracht werden. Nach dem Einschlafritual am Ende der Geschichten, bei dem Ihr Kind bei Toggolino, Florina, Carlito und Monti die Lichter ausschalten kann, ist es auch für es selbst Zeit ins Bett zu gehen. Ebenfalls nicht fehlen dürfen auch bei dieser App die TOGGOLINO-Videoclips.

Die Einstellungen im passwortgeschützten-Elternbereich geben Ihnen zudem die Möglichkeit, die App-Nutzung ihres Kindes durch eine festgelegte Anzahl an Geschichten zeitlich zu steuern. So bietet unsere TOGGOLINO Gute-Nacht-Geschichten App einen werbefreien, geschützten Spiel-Raum für Ihr Kind. Im Elternbereich finden Sie auch Hintergrundinfos zur App, weitere Produkte aus der TOGGOLINO Welt und Kontaktdaten für Rückfragen, Wünsche und Verbesserungsvorschläge.

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Stage but 'Three Musketeers'film, Two Directors for OneHollywood is famous for competing projects such as Deep Impact and Armageddon, but it takes a lot to making a film in production, writers and directors of gypsum free Toggolino Gute-Nacht-App 1.1 torrent download . The last sentence of dueling projects are both adaptations of the classic story Alexandre Dumas' The Three Musketeers. One of the adjustments will developed by Paul WS Anderson in 3D and only only by Summit. The other, in development at Warner Brothers with Sherlock Holmes producer Lionel Wigram work as leader, is near the attachment of a. Of two directors Sun which two are they? As for the 'other 'Three Musketeers project, one that Paul WS Anderson will make in 3D , it is still in the scripting stage, but making good progress with the sale of Summit. It is an independently funded project, but Summit will be distributed in the United States. In Germany says 'real 3-D 'will be rotated at Babelsberg Studios and on location in Germany, in France. You already have since since Taylor Lautner), a late summer start, but do not cast anyone yet. The version that developed Wigram, obviously is stylized to look like Sherlock Holmes. I am excited to see what happens when Anderson suggests WB to the punch. Which version you want to see? - A director WB is looking at is, David Frankel, a couple of 'Sex and the City 'episodes before directed The Devil Wears Prada and Marley & Me headed He is definitely not to be like the right fit, but I think they do not have much of a choice. Or she is it? Another director is considering Doug Liman this project much better fit. Mr. Liman last jumper and The Bourne Identity, Swingers and Go before that headed. You do not say what the studio lean towards, but if I can put in my $.02, I would say, go with Liman, he has a lot more action - adventure and I feel like he 'll do a much better job.

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Streaq is a classic card & tile board game so addicting you'll never want to put it down! Try to form one or two Streaqs (a Streaq is a sequence of five tiles in a row), in any direction, to win the game. Streaq is easy to learn and play, fun for beginners and challenging for experts.

Features include:

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There were many, many actors that would probably be right for Mad Max and there are many out there who could probably do an exceptional job him him, it is above all a challenge, in the footsteps of the continued. Such an iconic character download Streaq free android app . So obviously I am I will I will if I losses, if I go out and play it when I concentrate on it, then it is obviously not the best thing for the project . Hardy covers a lot of ground on Mad Max, we dive at the top, - talking about it. It's about thinking a re-launch and the world, an entire restructuring That is not to say that it not absorb or omission of the Mad Max you know already, but it is a beautiful around the world again take to the same character, depositing him in the same world, but bringing him through 30 years of continuous updating. Obviously Mel would be perfect to have it, but for some reason that he did not do, and I am. You can the same amount of grain and rawness and authenticity[ my] performance expect, I hope to deliver. But this is really the core of me and George to deliver and all other actors as the other characters.

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I am a bit disappointed by this news, because as much as I like McAvoy, I was really hoping to see the two rising stars of Edgerton and Chastain go toe-to - foot in an emotional drama free SBF-See 1.0.22 torrent download . I am sure that McAvoy will be fine, but there is something special just two up - and-comers in a project like this, because they still have the chip on his shoulder of being less well known and they still feel as something to prove. Something to prove. Often that lead in overacting, but Edgerton and Chastain have always been very controlled performances and both slowly rising on my list of favorite actors to work. Oh well, at least we have can be seen in the location, these two share the screen in Zero Dark Thirty Kathryn Bigelow in December this year. Ned Benson wrote and will direct both him and her, but there is no start date listed yet.

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This is an Ad free version for "Color Splash Photo". Free version has crossed one million downloads.

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' Parenthood ' EP previews First - year marriage woes, beauty of adoption and Matt Lauria in Season 4My proudest achievement this year: Katims: What I'm really most excited about last year, we are well into the fourth season of Parenthood, and it is my favorite season of the show this is what I am really excited. Up to this point to get feel like we feel like we are still growing and creative everyone is involved with the show so excited to do it download Color Splash Photo Pro 1.0 apk . This is what I am most proud of. I feel like we still a lot of new to tell stories, and each is are very excited.

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US Lighthouses

Travel & Local

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With significant coastline on the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and the Great Lakes, the United States of America has hundreds of lighthouses that have faithfully served mariners through the years. Using photographs, information, and insights gathered while visiting the country’s 800+ lighthouses, Kraig Anderson has developed LighthouseFriends.com to help others learn about lighthouses and plan their own visits to these historic structures. This app is tailored to present this content on your mobile device with the following useful features:

• Have historical information read out loud while you drive to a lighthouse

• View maps showing the location of lighthouses in each state

• Transfer GPS coordinates to a navigation app to help you reach a lighthouse

• Record the date of your visit to each lighthouse along with any personal notes

• Track the number of lighthouses you’ve visited by state

• Backup your data on Google Drive and sync it across your devices

• Filter the lighthouses to show only those that interest you

• List and map nearby lighthouses

Intuitive icons are shown for each lighthouse to quickly help you determine if, among other things, a lighthouse is easily accessible, open for climbing, offers overnight accommodations, has appeared in a movie, and if it is reportedly haunted.

A picture and the history of each lighthouse are available without a data connection, but a data connection is needed to view maps and the full gallery of images.

A few lighthouses not built by the federal government, like those on Grand Lake St. Marys in Ohio, are included in the app, but they are not the focus of the app and should be viewed as bonuses. Coverage of lighthouses in Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, is also included.

Additional historical information for lighthouses in Michigan will be provided in future updates.

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And neither could the shuttle as it slowly pushed east on Manchester Boulevard, north on Crenshaw Boulevard and east again on MLK. In a city where spectacle is often mobile, where we have always shown off in the muscle car or on skateboards Endeavour seemed fit right in. download US Lighthouses 1.2.3 for free

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Is exactly: James Cameron's Avatar - What Did You Think?I can not without mentioning quit some of my other favorite elements avatar. Quaritch was one of the best parts of the whole film. He was such a frickin ' badass, I loved all of his scenes in which he would go outside without a mask only with bated breath download PfalzÄpp free android app . After seeing it the first time I was with Drew McWeeny of HitFix , and he said that he knew that he loved it because he thinks, kept so many great moments. Same goes for me. I loved the scene at the end where Neytiri finally 'meets 'the man Jake Sully face-to-face. Cameron is crafting these great moments of brilliantly and there are so many in Avatar.

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Vorteile der PRO-Version:

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(-Die Internetrechte werden nur zur Verwendung darstellerischer Elemente des nativen Browsers benötigt, keine Daten zum Laden der Werbung werden übertragen.)

CHIP Online schreibt: "Der "BWL Lösungsgenerator" [...] unterstützt Sie bei der Ausführung der Rechnungen zuverlässig und ist eine große Hilfe."

Komplette Rezension: http://ift.tt/1hzrnfT

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-Dadurch kann das eigene Ergebnis kontrolliert werden, sofern kein Lösungsbuch vorhanden ist und man hat immer die richtige Lösung parat.

-Zum Nachvollziehen der Berechnungen der App können die verwendeten Formeln angezeigt werden, sodass man die Aufgaben danach selbst lösen kann.

-Außerdem können mit Hilfe eines Info-Buttons kurze und verständliche Definitionen zu fast jedem Begriff abgerufen werden. Diese Erklärungen helfen das Thema allgemein besser zu verstehen und die Hintergründe zu erfahren.

-Mit der App ist man also bestens auf Klassenarbeiten oder auch auf die Prüfung vorbereitet!

Videos, in denen Aufgaben gerechnet werden auf YouTube:


Besuchen Sie auch unsere Facebook-Seite für Aktuelles rund um den BWL Lösungsgenerator:



Im Bereich Rechnungswesen sind bis auf die Abgrenzungsrechnung alle Themen mit den zugehörigen Unterthemen verfügbar. Dies umfasst:


Berechnung von Gemeinkostenzuschlagssätzen und Verteilung der Gemeinkosten in einem einstufigen Betriebsabrechnungsbogen (BAB).


Vorwärts-/Rückwärts-/Differenzkalkulation und der Vergleich zwischen einer Vor- und Nachkalkulation. Die Erstellung eines Kostenträgerblattes und die Gegenüberstellung von Ist- und Normalkosten mit der Berechnung von Kostenüber-/ unterdeckungen ist ebenfalls möglich.


Berechnung von variablen/ fixen Kosten, Erlösen und der Gewinnschwelle. Zusätzlich kann eine allgemeine, intelligente Kosten- und Erlöstabelle erstellt werden.


Erstellung einer Teilkostentabelle für ein oder mehrere Produkte. Ebenfalls die Ermittlung des lmi- & lmn- Teilprozesskostensatzes, sowie des Hauptprozesskostensatzes. Obendrein kann die Zuschlags- mit der prozessorientierten Kalkulation verglichen und im Anschluss der Allokationseffekt berechnet werden.


Ermittlung des absoluten und relativen Deckungsbeitrags und Berechnung des optimalen Produktionsprogramms.

Hinweis zu den Programmierern:

-Der BWL-Lösungsgenerator wurde programmiert von der Thinklabs GbR (info@thinklabs.de). Neben der Programmierung von Mobilanwendungen stellen wir Speziallösungen, Design und Kompetenz in vielen weiteren Bereichen des Web 2.0 zur Verfügung. Eine genauere Auflistung finden Sie unter http://ift.tt/1hzrkkn

Keywords: BWL ; Lösung ; Lernen ; ReWe ; Wirtschaft; Kostenrechnung ; KLR ; RW ; Rechnungswesen ; Steuerung und Kontrolle ; Kennzahlen ; Lösungen ; Übungen ; Prüfung ; Prüfungsvorbereitung ; Trainer ; Grundwissen; Aufgaben ; Economic ; Calculator ;


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Our own view James Wallace love this hit, too - from twitter: Man,@ Ti_West continues his streak of great posters for his films. It's still of this West The House of the Devil was. free BWL Lösungsgenerator PRO torrent download

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Learn Pro Blackjack™ Strategy Trainer is the perfect app for beginning and intermediate players who want to learn blackjack basic strategy and significantly improve their odds of winning at the casino. The app teaches players how to play blackjack and learn basic strategy through interactive flashcards, then supplements this training with a skills test in the blackjack trainer module by simulating a game of 21. Through this method, players are able to assess their moves and determine how well they might perform in a real-world environment. Once players have mastered the strategy, they are then given a set of quick tips designed to elevate their play even more, including ways to extend their bankroll, and earn more comps and freebies.

Many players don't know that learning basic strategy can improve their odds over 300% and that not knowing blackjack strategy can be costly. Don't get caught at the casino losing a lot of money just to find you needed help with basic strategy. Get Blackjack Strategy Trainer and begin taking control of your game today!

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Hope thataugh Directed by Rubicon Atlas EntertainmentThe reason why project project, my attention Rubicon Rubicon is the same working title that Bryan Singer, Valkyrie, has been used when it shoots Blackjack Strategy Trainer 1.1 apk free download . This a thriller with a thriller with a detailed and complex assassination. I doubt that Waugh Rubicon is an attempt story line, but I 'm expecting a good thriller or something. Waugh has stunts for films such as Last Action Hero, True Romance, Double Dragon, Sudden Death, Gone in Sixty Seconds, and Jet Li, The One. I have not seen his last three films, but I hope that this means that we get some great action and great stunts. Stay tuned for updates!

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GhostFiles Pro can easily and safely hide media files like photo and videos from your phone's gallery.

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This full version has Ghost Mode which can hide the application icon from your phone, making it only accessible by dialing your secret PIN number.

IMPORTANT: SOME PHONES WILL NEED TO BE RESTARTED WHEN YOU TOOGLE THIS OPTION. After that restart it will maintain the selected option.

Supports items multiselection

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GhosFiles Pro is the best way to protect your privacy in a simple and safe way. Enjoy! =)


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Tom Cruise sued Life & Style magazine for $ 50 million for Suri historyfields, says Cruise gets no money from the magazine will be donated to charity. - Fields goes on 'Tom not to sue people, he is not a controversial guy go but if these sleaze peddler, trying to raise money with disgusting lies about his relationship with his child to make, you bet, he will sue. ' download Hide pictures GhostFiles Pro 2.4.4 apk free .

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SpeedCam Detector US America


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Turn your Android phone or tablet into Speed Camera Detector! No more speeding tickets! You will be warned when you approach a speed camera with alarm sound and you will be able to see what is speedcam speed limit.


- Speed cameras database updates from Android Market every week !

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- Works in offline mode. Internet connection is not required.

- You can view all speed cameras on the map of chosen country (requires internet connection)

- Customizable sounds

- Works in any country

- Shows your driving speed

- Interface supports English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Lithuanian, Russian languages

System requirements:

- Android operating system 1.6 and up

- Internet access for map overview

- Internal GPS

Note: speed cameras, radars database contains AMERICA countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France DOM-ROM,

United States of America (USA):

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I know Akira know that seeing these Akira film ever made. Despite all efforts, many of you have stressed in trying, that this should not be expressed, Warner has the intention has the intention I only pray and hope that Collet-Serra can do a good job, especially with only $ 90 million. I hope he has some great ideas free SpeedCam Detector US America torrent download . Although I am fascinated to see a live-action Akira, but only under the right circumstances. And while Collet-Serra may be an acceptable choice, please contact Warner Bros., not cast Sam Flynn in this. Who but Hedlund! I really want to be Akira enjoyable in any way and it will not help if he. In his starring role Thoughts?

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