четверг, 31 июля 2014 г.

download Social Bond (Facebook Friends) for free

Social Bond (Facebook Friends)


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View a map of your Facebook friends and reveal the strength of your social bonds. Who’s paying you the most attention? Who's not pulling their weight?


✔ Friends Matrix: View a league table of friends to see who “likes” you most and how they interact with you on Facebook?

✔ Disconnected friends: Long-time-no-see friends that need some work to improve the friendship

✔ Popularity by Gender: Check if you are liked most by male or female friends

✔ Your top 20 friends. Includes ability to filter by different types of interactions and gender.

✔ Friends Map: See how you are connected with your friends on the world map

✔ Facebook check-ins: View favorite locations shared by your friends

Results can be published to Facebook so they can be shared with your friends

If you have any comments or suggestions to make the app more useful please let me know and I'll make sure I'll add the features in the next releases.


Any feedback would be much appreciated

Note: Social Bond calculates your friends interactions from Facebook data. All data is used only on your device and requires Facebook login.

Download .apk

Remember In November, we reported that there not just one, but supposedly two Independence Day sequels in the works? it is obvious that true. IESB has a big update from one of its sources, that 20th Century Fox claiming these two Independence Day sequels target back-to-back shoot with Will Smith. One of the big hook this sequel hold back over the last 14 years, was 'm glad more and more money free Social Bond (Facebook Friends) 1.2 torrent download . Word is he now you will get $ 20 million up front and a part of the gross to in this in this, especially because Fox floats now in all types of cash thanks to Mega success of Avatar. Update: I have no idea whether they believe or not, but Gossip Cop says that they have a Will Smith repeats the apparently told them that all this contacts is not true at this time. For me it sounds like they just deny it are temporarily at the time , plus I do not trust a gossip site about our fellow brothers film blog. I wanted to let you know, this update , claiming that it is the wrong there, at least.

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