Film Library Pro
Media & Video
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Film Library Pro is an application that allows you to save and organise your film collection. You can easily and quickly store the descriptions of all the films you have in your house and consult it whenever you want.
The app Film Library Pro allows you to save a huge number of details of your films as the title, director, writer, cast, genre, release year, homepage, trailer, etc. The insertion of new films is a very simple process that guides you in the introduction of all the details. Also Filmoteca Pro have a wizard that helps you to search new films by title. You only have to write the title of a movie and the app shows you a list of results obtained from The Movie Database, one of the best free cinema data bases. Then you can pick one option and the fields of the film are automatically filled by the wizard doing the work for you.
Once your film collection is complete you can view every movie details in a useful list. You can sort the films by title, year, or ranking. Also you can edit or delete any movie. Another feature of Film Library Pro is back up your film collection and restore it at any time.
In summary, Film Library have the following main features:
- Film collection displayed in three useful views.
- List view to display the film library
- Horizontal view with huge cover images of the films.
- Grid view that displays more movies in the screen at the same time.
- Manual insertion of movies.
- Insertion wizard searching films by title and auto-complete all the details.
- A lot of characteristics for movies: title, director, image cover, cast (with photos), genre, ranking, synopsis, release year, runtime, budget, revenue, homepage, trailer, etc.
- Sorting by title, year, or ranking.
- Edition and delete features.
- Back up of the film library.
Also is available for you a free version of this application: Film Library ( That version is more basic and has less features but it also can help you to manage your film collection.
We hope you find Film Library Pro useful.
Enjoy it!
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Henry's Crime is directed by British filmmaker Malcolm Venville, the earlier indie 44 Inch Chest. From a story by Stephen Hamel and Sacha Gervasi: The script was written by Sacha Gervasi and David White logged. The premiere at the Toronto Film Festival in 2010 and was U download Film Library Pro free android app .S. Distribution U.S. Distribution of Moving Pictures film. Henry's Crime is no U.S. Theatrical release, so we'll let you know if it works. But I do not recommend anyone see it so bad. There were a few trailers we missed earlier in the week, are not so good, but there is one I need to publish only -. It is Henry's Crime and it is an indie crime comedy and the reason why I 'm posting this trailer is late because I have been asked many times, 'You have heard about this new Keanu Reeves film? I have is titled Henry's Crime and I saw at the Toronto Film Festival last year and it was horrible, it sucked. I speak a top contender for one of the worst movies of 2010, if I was such a list . I have a never. Criticism written because I wanted to forget about it but here's a UK trailer and they sell pretty damn good.
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