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APPtitune is the world's first and most comprehensive Archery Setup and Tuning Guide ever available on a mobile platform.
Created by:
Olympic Recurve Silver Medalist Jake Kaminski,
Multiple-time World Champion Compound Archer Jesse Broadwater, and
Stabilization Expert Greg Poole.
APPtitune gives you the knowledge you need to set up and tune your bow like the Pros do it!
APPtitune covers the tuning and setup of Recurve Bows, Compound Target Bows and Compound Hunting Bows.
Learn the ins and outs of your equipment. APPtitune puts in-depth explanations of every aspect of bow and arrow Setup and Tuning at your fingertips, including: Limb Alignment, Cam Alignment, Stabilizer Setup, Group Tuning, Torque Tuning, Broadhead Setup, Vane Selection, Broadhead Alignment and Tuning, Hunting Arrows, Bare-shaft Tuning, Walk-back Tuning, Paper Tuning, Yoke Tuning, Creep Tuning, Third Axis Leveling, and Arrow Setup.
APPtitune guides you through each step of the process, with clear, concise descriptions, photos and illustrations.
Learn from the Best of the Best! APPtitune features Pro Tips that reveal the secrets these three Archery Champions have discovered in their 53 combined years of winning experience.
Available soon in 5 languages; English, French, Spanish, Japanese and Korean.
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