Rss Feed Reader
News & Magazines
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Powerful feed reader for use with or without Google Reader.
Feature list:
- Import feeds from google Reader
- Add/Modify/Remove single feed
- Organize feeds in categories
- Special Folders : Starred, Unread, Latest, Last24h
- Navigate news through categories or special folders
- Automatic update
- Search (search text in title or news body)
- Import/Export (backup/restore your data and configuration)
- View news on line or off line
- Widget (to use widgets please install the app to internal memory)
- Open news in Google mobilizer
- Share news (email, twitter, ... )
Highly configurable
- Choose default viewer (on line, off line, google mobilizer)
- Text size and color
- Screen Orientation
- Show/Hide special folders
- Start and Stop update service
- Start update service on boot
- Show notification (sound, light)
- Reload interval for update service
- Enable/Disable automatic backup
- Enable/Disable nightly update
- Auto clean up old news
SEO: RSS, Feed, Google Reader
For more info, view on line tutorial.
For every question (bug, suggestion, ...) send me email (you can do that through about panel in preferences).
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Off the charts Reteaming with David O. Russell on 'Uncharted'I'm not sure why with De Niro and Pesci in the film mean that this is not a watered down version of the story, when he is harder related to all the violence and swearing she would have done in their past movies. Moreover, the film seems to to explore, say, unexplored areas of the game background story because none of Nathan Drake family members ever made an appearance in the video game franchise download Rss Feed Reader 2.0.6 apk free . De Niro appear first aboard something not too hard, but Pesci is likely to be harder to sell them. I think video game adaptation surprised that a video game adaptation of David O. Russell is already sound a little off - the-wall. As for Wahlberg casting, our apologies go out to Nathan Fillion. Thoughts?:. De Niro as my father, Pesci as my uncle is not the watered down version, that's to be sure. As if to confirm itself, here's what Wahlberg said: David is one of the best writer / directors ever worked with ever worked with the idea that he has is just insane So hopefully we are now this movie this summer. Previously Russell and Wahlberg collaborated Three Kings, I Heart Huckabees and the Fighter recently, but this is probably the greatest movie they 've ever made to be together. As far as the wild rumors that are floating around online looking about Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci for a couple of roles, also apparently it's true. Wahlberg says:.
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