воскресенье, 5 октября 2014 г.

download MedNotesPlus for free



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The app tracks the Injection Sites. It could be used by people on Copaxone, Avonex, Rebif or other injectable medications. This app could be beneficial to people with Multiple Sclerosis ( MS ) or with any other medical condition. You can enter a quick note associated with an injection, add an audio note, add a photo or just create a note to track your symptoms or any other medical events.

Features include:

* No Ads

* Track injection sites

* Text Note/Journal entries

* Speech-to-text

* Search option

* Photo notes

* Audio notes

* Export text Notes into a pipe delimited file.

* Email text Notes

* Reminders

* Backup DB

* Restore DB

* Restore DB from MedNotes or MedNotesTP

* Site of the shots show on the main screen for each of the notes

Touch the Menu key to add a note. The app will automatically save the notes and the injection site when you go back to the main screen. If you need to make a note of an event that happened in the past, you can set a date, which would be a new date for the record. If the date is not set manually, it would be set automatically as a current date on the Mobil device.

Some content is now available in Russian, French and German. Translated using Google Translate. If you need content available in another language, please email me. It would help if you can provide the translation as Google Translate is not always accurate.

Please email me if you have any questions.

Keywords: sclérose en plaques, рассеянный склероз, копаксон

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Disney Tron Legacy Official Theatrical Posters finally revealedOh hell yes - you ready for this? Disney has debuted the official theatrical Tron Legacy poster, which hangs a game on the original epic Tron poster Flynn reached toward his identity disc over him. I wish we had a nice clean high res version, but Disney chose it on Yahoo, where all we have is a shabby low res version now debut free MedNotesPlus 4.32 torrent download . There are already a number of posters for Tron Legacy, but this is the first official poster next to the light hour continuous releases teaser poster debut late last year. I'm already in love with this poster, including the digital distortion about the characters. Have fun!

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