четверг, 29 мая 2014 г.

download SolarAnalyzer Pro for Android™ Varies with device for free

SolarAnalyzer Pro for Android™


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SolarAnalyzer Pro for Android™ is the full featured app for monitoring your photovoltaic power plant on Android devices.

This full featured app enables all features:

• Solarpark-Feature: Combine up to 3 power plants to one big plant

• Info screen (800x480 pixel screen resolution and above)

• Slideshow

• Multiple inverter support and visualisation

• Live power view (Solar-Log, Sunprofit, FreeSol, SMA Sunny Webbox RS485/BT (RPC), Kaco Powador)

• MPP-Tracker, Strings (Pdc/Edc)*

• Statistical power (Pac) prediction in day view*

• Advanced estimation calculations in month and year view

• and many more!!!

• Support in English

*Not available for all data loggers/data sources

Attention: Please try our free app first before buy this product.

SolarAnalyzer works with data loggers/data sources such as:

- Solar-Log™ (all models, official partner of Solar-Log™)

- SolarView@Fritzbox

- meteocontrol WEB’log PRO

- SMA Sunny Webbbox BT (with FTP-Push of csv-files)

- SMA Sunny Webbbox RS485(with FTP-Direct-Access)

- SMA Sunny Explorer & SMA Sunny Beam csv-files

- Power One Aurora Communicator (log-files)

- Sunways inverters

- Kaco proLOG

- FreeSol

- Sunprofit

- SMASpot, PVOutput.org, Danfoss2SolarLog, Sun-Watch and others...

***SolarAnalyzer does not support bluetooth connection to inverter***


Solar-Log, Solarlog, Solar Log, SolarView, SMA Sunny Webbox, Sunny Explorer, ZonPHP, PVOutput, PV Output, Sun Watch, SunWatch, FreeSol, Android, App, Photovoltaic, Solar, Kaco, Powador, proLOG, Aurora Communicator, Sunways, Inverter, pv, log, Kostal, SMASpot, meteocontrol, web'log, weblog

Android is a trademark of Google Inc.

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I am content download SolarAnalyzer Pro for Android™ Varies with device apk free .First Teaser Trailer for Lionsgate the 'Conan the Barbarian'3D'I live, I love, I slay and I am content. 'Lionsgate debuted the first teaser trailer via Yahoo for Conan the Barbarian in 3D is replaced with Jason Momoa as Conan the time Schwarzenegger in the 1982 film. It is a true teaser in the sense that there are no pictures from the film, if not all, the smoke will be there, but that means it 's a pretty cool way to remind audiences that Conan comes back to the big screen later this year. I'm not particularly for this but, despite having a couple of really cool set photos excited, but they still have enough time before August before August. Check out the teaser below!

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