четверг, 1 мая 2014 г.

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Sequels? of the Apes ' Sequel Maybe Going ' Full Metal Jacket 'Although it is probably not as extreme or dark as the above-mentioned military flick, the prospect of such a film with monkeys thought is certainly stimulating download Visiting Card 1.1 free android app . Either way, we're probably at least a couple of years of a sequel, and it does not even have a green light still so anything can happen. ? 'There is so much we could do , the ideas I had Ve are all sorts of things, ranging from Full Metal Jacket with to might this story start again eight years from where we left off, the next generation of apes to come from our protagonists, perhaps going into a conflict with humans and showing real fear, in the same way as going into war for young soldiers in this day and age, telling their story.

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